Tips & Tricks
Everything you ever wanted to know but never dared to search for...
Loop / iterate through files in a map
for f in p*.xml; do echo $f; done
for f in *xml; do touch${f%xml}bak; done
Find all files bigger than 100M in current volume and sort them by size
find / -size +100M -exec ls -kSsd {} +
Filename Expansion
echo *
➤ abc ac abcd ahhx askc
echo a*c
➤ abc ac askc
echo a?c
➤ abc
echo a[bh]*
➤ abc abcd ahhx
echo a[c-z]*
➤ ac ahhx askc
echo a[!c-z]*
➤ abc abcde
Create a standard .iso image from a folder
hdiutil makehybrid -iso -joliet -o drivers.iso /Users/abc/Desktop/Drivers